Sustainability at the Helmholtz Association
Helmholtz engages in cutting-edge research that addresses the biggest challenges facing society. Sustainability is factored into every aspect of how we conduct our research, from the operation of large research facilities or data centres to the planning of new buildings or the recycling of equipment. Since April 2018, the Helmholtz Sustainability Working Group has been addressing an array of issues related to economic, social and environmental sustainability, shaping Helmholtz into a sustainable research organisation from the top down. The group is looking at the whole range of areas for action identified in the LeNa report. We are also in close contact with the Helmholtz Competence network for climate-friendly construction (in German), which supports the centres in designing their research infrastructures to be climate-friendly.
Explore our website to discover the sustainability activities under way at Helmholtz and read about the association’s findings. Highlights include
- the Helmholtz Sustainability Summits
- Helmholtz brochures on Active Sustainability, packed with case studies
- our commitment to sustainable development